The burglars may have wanted to steal cash only but the video filmed by surveillance camera of what happened at Bexar county tax office has given an innovative idea to thieves globally. The surveillance camera video shows a white colored vehicle smashing the glass door. As the vehicle crashed repeatedly against the door, it broke the glass and the outer aluminum frame of the door. Then a vehicle is seen “towing” the ATM away which was tied to the back side of the vehicle with a yellow colored rope. Police later found the vehicle and the emptied ATM!
The officials at the Bexar County Tax office were as much shocked at the incident as the viewers are. “Nothing like this has ever happened”. The stolen amount has not been disclosed as yet; however the sum is being regarded as “substantial”. Apart from the loss resulting from the theft of money the incident has resulted in massive damage to the building.
As the tax payers arrived there were glass pieces everywhere and they were greeted with a “closed” sign hanging on the door.
As Wednesday is a holiday the office would reopen on Thursday. The security in the area has been tightened to avoid further incidents.
If crooks can come up with the idea of stealing whole ATM, I can assure you that next in the line would be stealing a whole bank away. By the way in that scenario the inner security cameras would be rendered useless! We have already seen entire Wall Street taken away by greedy bankers.